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What to Look for On Your Child's Report Card

Almost exactly a year ago, I published a blog post entitled, "5 Things to Avoid Doing when Reading your Child's Report Card". With Term 1 report cards coming home again, I wanted to share some 'teacher' insight regarding how report cards are written.

Report Card Subject Comment Format

While every teacher has there own flair and writing style, and administration and School Board guidelines vary across the province and beyond, I have noticed over the years that most teachers tend to write their comments in a similar way.

  1. Curriculum Expectation

  2. Example of your child's success in the classroom

  3. Your Child's Next Step

The curriculum expectation comes from the Ministry of Education curriculum document. The teacher may be quoting, paraphrasing or referencing a skill that the Ontario government would like students at that grade be proficient in by the end of the school year. When you read this, think: this is what my child is being taught

The example of your child's success in the classroom will likely reference data that the teacher has collected. This might look like the teacher describing or referencing something your child has physically created, a conversation your child had with the teacher or class, or an observation that the teacher has made about your child. This example should connect with the curriculum expectations found in the Ontario Curriculum. When you read this, think: this is how my child is demonstrating their learning

Lastly, there will be a next step. In my experience every child regardless of their success should receive a 'next step'. You don't need to fret over the inclusion of a next step but it is a helpful starting place for how you can support and enhance learning at home. When you read this, think: this is what we can practice at home / with their tutor.

Learning Skills

You may have noticed that there is a paragraph or two written about your child and their learning skills. This is often overlooked but can be really helpful in understanding your child as a learner in the classroom. While this section may reference specific subjects, your child's academic ability is not the focus here. Some helpful questions to ask yourself as you read are:

  • Is my child able to focus on learning? Outside of school, when do they focus best? When is focusing more difficult?

  • How does my child interact with their peers? Do they work well in partners or groups?

  • Is my child able to regulate their emotions? Does my child experience big emotions during the school day?

  • Is there anything that I know about my child that my child's teacher may find helpful when they interact and plan for my child?

Lastly, if you have questions about your child's report card, send an email to your child's teacher. If you have concerns about your child's progress, consider adding additional supports to your child's educational journey. We offer home learning packages, virtual tutoring, and in-person tutoring. We would love to support your family!

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